Copa Coca-Cola

COPA Coca-Cola is a sponsored weekly prime time TV entertainment show that joyously celebrates the spirit of openness through football. The show highlights the remarkable skills of its featured participant’s, children, revealing their behind-the-scenes stories. It positions the brand as a reliable ally and companion in their football journey.


The COPA Coca-Cola show is a Sponsored weekly prime time entertainment show on TV that celebrates open happiness via Football. It showcases the exceptional skills of targets- children including their behind-the scenes stories and projects the brand as a dependable ally/companion. beyond.


The ambiance is intimate and distinctive, capturing the significance and connection with the intended audience, while also radiating the international essence of the brand with a touch of sophistication in a welcoming and friendly setting. Produced in high definition, this weekly show offers viewers a distinctive opportunity to explore the worlds of football and Coca-Cola in a unique manner. Copa Coca-Cola serves as a bridge between Nigeria's seasoned football stars and the emerging talents, promising a blend of action and entertainment!

Impact So Far


Territory :

Apple Pro Res 422 1920 x 1080i /50

Sponsor :

Coca - Cola